Complex № 1: "Shooting from weapons of the 1st World War, Revolution and Civil war" [Mauser pistol, Nagant revolver, Mosin rifle - 5 rounds from each weapon]
Complex № 2: "Shooting from weapons of the 2nd World War" [submachine gun: Thompson's, Shpagin's. Pistols: "Parabellum", "Tokareva", "Walter" - 5 rounds from each weapon]
Complex No. 3: "Shooting from Soviet weapons of the 2nd half of the 20th century" [Makarov or Stechkin pistol - to choose from, AK-74, AKM, Dragunov sniper rifle - 5 rounds from each weapon]
Complex № 4: "Shooting from foreign weapons of the 2nd half of the 20th century" [Glock pistol, Chaset, Daniel Defense carbine - 5 rounds from each weapon]
Complex № 5: "Shooting from sports and hunting weapons" [pistols: "Margolina", "IZH-71". Carbines: "MR-161K", "Saiga-9" - 5 rounds from each weapon]
Complex № 6: "Shooting from weapons of the 21st century" [pistols: Beretta - 92x, Faxon FX-19 - 10 rounds from each weapon. Carbines: TR-3 (based on AK-12) and TR-3 (based on AK-15) - 5 rounds from each weapon]
Complex № 7: "Rifle" (15 rounds) [rifles: "Mosina", "Dragunova" to choose from - at least 5 shots from the selected weapon]
Complex № 8: "Automatic 7.62" (20 rounds) ["TR-3" (based on AK-15), AKM, AKMS - at least 10 shots from the selected weapon]
Complex № 9: "Pistol" (30 rounds) [Pistols: "Parabellum", "Walter", "Ceset", "Glock", "Beretta - 92x", "Faxon FX-19" - at least 10 shots from the selected weapon]
Complex № 10: "Automatic 5.45" (20 rounds) ["TR-3" (based on AK-12), AK-74, AKS-74U - at least 10 shots from the selected weapon]
Complex № 11: "Sporty" (30 rounds) [Pistols: "Margot", "Margolina", carbine "MR-161K" - at least 10 shots from the selected weapon]
Complex № 12: Komissarsky (30 rounds) [Pistols: Mauser, Tokareva, Shpagin submachine gun - at least 10 shots from the selected weapon]
Shooting from rifled weapons № 1 [SVD rifle, SVD (USSR), "Mosina" mod. 1891/30, "Mosina" mod. 1891/30gg with PU]
Shooting from rifled weapons № 2 ["DANIEL DEFENSE" CARBINE]
Shooting from rifled weapons № 3 [Automatic rifles: AK-74, AKS-74, AKS-74U, carbine "TR3" (based on AK-12)]
Shooting from rifled weapons № 4 [PM PISTOL, APS]
Shooting from rifled weapons № 5 ["THOMPSON" SUBMACHINE GUN]
Shooting from rifled weapons № 6 [REVOLVER "NAGANT"]
Shooting from rifled weapons № 7 [HUNTING SELF-LOADING CARBINE "MR-161K". PISTOLS: "MARGOLINA", "MARGOT", MCM]
Shooting from rifled weapons № 8 [Automatic rifles: AKM, AKMS, "TR-3" (based on AK-12)]
Shooting from rifled weapons No. 9 [Pistols: "Parabellum", "Walter", "Ceset", "Glock", carbine "Saiga-9"]
Shooting from rifled weapons № 10 [Pistols: "Mauser", "TT", "Shpagin" Submachine gun]
Shooting from rifled weapons № 11 ["IZH-71" pistol]
Shooting from rifled weapons № 12 [Upgraded 7.62 mm machine gun (Goryunov SGMB)]
Skeet shooting 25 shots (weapons and ammunition of the customer)
Bench skeet shooting 25 shots (customer's weapon, contractor's ammunition)
Skeet shooting 25 shots (performer's weapons and ammunition)
Bench skeet shooting of 100 or more shots (weapons and ammunition of the performer)
Shooting at a moving target (customer's weapons and ammunition)
Shooting at a moving target (weapons and ammunition of the performer)
20 BYN / 1 launch, 2 shots
Shooting of smoothbore weapons in a semi-open area - for 30 minutes (after approval with the shooting range instructor)
Shooting at a moving target, rent of the shooting range "Running boar" - for 1 hour (weapons and ammunition of the customer)
Air rifle shooting (5 shots - outdoor shooting range)
Air rifle shooting (5 shots - closed shooting range)
Air rifle shooting (20 shots - outdoor shooting range)
Air rifle shooting (20 shots - closed shooting range)
Shooting of weapons in the shooting range (1 place - 1 owner of personal weapons, time up to 60 minutes, weapons and ammunition of the customer)
Shooting of weapons by a shooting range instructor (in addition to the shooting range shooting service)
Individual lesson on the formation of skills in handling weapons (trainer's service for up to 45 minutes)
"Learn to shoot correctly" - for a group of 2 people (25 skeet shots + coach service)
Shooting at a shooting range for legal entities with special statutory tasks (1 hour)
Individual lesson on assembling and disassembling weapons (in consultation with the shooting range staff, up to 45 minutes)
Skeet shooting in the Shooting Range [15 skeet at the turn of 25 m] (NEW!)
Sale of weapons, ammunition and goods:
"Nikon MONARCH 7 8*42" Binoculars
"STEINER NIGHTHUNTER Xtreme 8*56" Binoculars
"Arcon0Alfa-QRW" bracket
"Arcon Alfa LT25" Thermal Imaging Sight
"Arcon Alfa LT35" Thermal Imaging Sight
"Arcon Alfa ST25" Thermal Imaging Sight
"Arcon Alfa HT50" Thermal Imaging Sight
Beretta double-barreled shotgun "686 Silver Pigeon I"
Ружье Beretta "686 silver pigeon 1 Sporting"